The Johnny Wheels and the Swamp Donkeys
Based out of Willamina OR, Johnny Wheels and the Swamp Donkeys have been performing their brand of original swampified blues/rock music for fans through out the Pacific North West at festivals and venues for years. Their 2022 Lightning In A Bottle Records release "Keep On Pushin'" rode the charts for 9 months, growing a respectable fan base around the country and making Johnny's music a regular on radio programs around the world. Produced by legendary drummer, Jimi Bott, who also performs on the album, "Keep On Pushin'" sold out it's initial printed CD run in 20 minutes at the world famous Waterfront Blues Festival in Portland OR the year of it's release. Constant touring throughout the PNW has enabled Johnny and the band to build a large following, leading to great stage sales and streaming numbers for "Keep On Pushin'". Johnny's popularity got a boost when he appeared on "Growing Belushi", playing harp with Dan Akroyd and Jim Belushi. "Jim has been a great friend. He and Dan are a blast to hang out with" Johnny remarked on the experience.

In 2021, the Johnny Wheels Band single ”Lovers With The Blues” was featured in the award winning indie movie “Lorelei”. Johnny and band were also featured in a scene in the movie.
In the summer of 2019, Johnny Wheels and the Swamp Donkeys won the Cascade Blues Association's "Journey To Memphis" competition. making them the CBA representataives in the 2020 International Blues Challenge in Memphis TN. Their talent was recognized at the '20 IBC, resulting in an appearance in the competition's final round, leading to a number of festival offers from around the US. Unfortunately, covid lock downs hit immediately after the '20 IBC, rendering all festival planning moot.
Johnny is currently working on new songs for a release in 2024. Stay tuned for more details.